Pictures and paperwork from my Dad's service in in the US Army Air Corps in Central and South America  from 1943 to 1946

6th Air force Headquarters   Caribbean Defense Command    Panama     Albrook Field


  1. Good morning,
    My Great Uncle served with the 20th in Panama from '42-'45(?). His name was Francisco Geronimo Flores. He served as a Supply clerk, rank: Sgt. He served in the Panama Canal Dept of Operations. I'm hoping to find a picture of him (I know chances are slim to none) as any/all military pics have since been lost. I do have his dog tags & GCM. Any comments or input would be greatly appreciated. Responses can be sent (for ease) to r.soto 3 1 6 9 at g mail.
    Robert G Soto

  2. My grandfather also served in the 20th. His name was Lawrence (Larry) Celia. Does anyone have memories of him or anything written about him, any possible pictures? I'd love to learn more about him from those days long ago. Contact me if you have any info, curlgirl2 a t y a h oo c o m

  3. Crystal, I was stationed with the 20th from 1947-1949 don't remember your grand father but do you have any more info on him like when he was there and what he did. I worked in the radio shop
    Tom Bohner
